The first week of October has gone and as things begin to kick off towards better 2021, we decided to take a look back on what was a monumental for Pando and will overview few things that we are planning to update soon.
1. Multi-language support
Tired of using English or any other language than your mother tongue? If you just wish to have the application that is clear, understandable and most importantly on your native language, Pando is for you. Very soon, Pando plans to become available in various languages, including Russian, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Hindi and others. Stay tuned and don’t miss this epic moment!
2. Soon Pando SW browser users will be able to change password. For this follow the instructions:
Go to Account Settings-> Change password
Enter old and new password and save it.
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At last but not at least, Pando SW Browser wants to thank its dedicated users and without any doubt we will continue to strive for excellence and bring the changes that are utmost customer tailored. We are thrilled to be working for our users and make our share in designing a better future.
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